
0.0.53-alpha Fix broken diff display

This release fixes a serious bug in the display of diffs that was introduced with the sub-line change highlighting.

0.0.52-alpha Better Diff and Rebase handling

This release brings major improvements in two major areas: diff display and interactive rebase:

  1. Diffs now highlight the differences in matching lines, making it easier to find small changes in longer lines.
  2. Corylus now shows changes for certain image formats (currently SVG, PNG and JPG) instead of only marking the respective files as changed in the commit.
  3. The Interactive Rebase UI had a major overhaul and now supports multi-select in the commit list to change actions for many commits at once.
  4. Rebase and Interactive Rebase now support conflict resolution and rebase continuation.

Additionally this release fixes a number of bugs. For details see the corresponding milestone.

0.0.51-alpha UI Bug fixes and extensions

This release is an extension of the preceding one, fixing minor bugs making the UX a bit rough and implementing new features like pushing arbitrary branches or periodically fetching remotes.

0.0.50-alpha UX improvements

This release focuses on improving the user experience by fixing UI issues and adding smaller features, that make common use cases smoother.

0.0.49-alpha Auto-stash and UI themes

This release adds the capability to auto-stash changes on branch switch. It also changes the way UI themes are defined and adds additional themes.

0.0.48-alpha Better repository overview

This release adds some UI improvements to get better overview of the current repository:

  • Permanently display the current branch and indicate uncommitted changes in the status bar (#13)
  • mark branches and tags containing specific commits (#9)

The release also allows the user to check out individual commits and correctly indicates a "detached head" status (#15) and includes some smaller bug fixes.

0.0.47-alpha Fix file history

This is a patch release fixing the disjointed file history display bug.

0.0.46-alpha First OSS release

First public open source release. Usable, but far from production-ready.